Area of Learning and Experience: Skills Citizenship and Wellbeing
Vision for AoLE:
All students to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes that young people need to manage their lives, now and in the future and focus on
preparing for life and work in the modern world. An area of learning that enables students to become healthy both physically and psychologically, independent and responsible members of society.
Curriculum Areas within the AoLE:
Health and Wellbeing
Physical Education
Food and Nutrition
Welsh Baccalaureate
Business Studies
Health and Social Care and Childcare
Public Services
Curriculum Information:
Health and Wellbeing/Physical Education/Food and Nutrition/SCOPE
In Health and well-being we recognise good health and wellbeing as a key enabler of successful learning. This area of learning and experience will support learners to develop and maintain not only their physical health and we-being, but also their mental health and emotional well-being, as well as developing positive relationships in a range of contexts. To enable this, it will build learners’ capacity to make informed decisions about their health and well-being and also engage critically with a range of social influences which may impact on their values and behaviours.
Welsh Baccalaureate
The Skills Challenge Certificate (SCC) is a standalone, graded qualification and is valued as a GCSE. It offers a different type of qualification that focusses on developing a range of essential employability skills. It gives learners the opportunity to study topics and issues of their choosing that are relevant to their future study and career plans.
It consists of four components:
• Individual Project
• Enterprise and Employability Challenge
• Global Citizenship Challenge
• Community Challenge
The combined outcomes of the four components will determine whether the SCC is awarded.
The focus of the SCC is on the essential and employability skills young people need in their future lives. These skills are developed and assessed through an individual project and three challenges. It is designed to include learning and assessment that will enthuse, engage and motivate learners in the classroom, the workplace and the wider community. Learners are required to reflect on how the application of their skills may impact on individuals, employers, society and the environment.
Business Studies
Business GCSE is suitable for students aged 14-16 years and encourages students to think commercially and creatively about current issues facing real businesses. Students are expected to consider the role of Operations, HR, Finance and Marketing as they react to changes in the external business environment and coordinate their actions, to recommend what different businesses would do to achieve their objectives. Students develop skills such as team work and communication, whilst gaining confidence to explore how different business situations affect business decisions on a local, national and global level. Students are required to use both qualitative and quantitative skills to build balanced arguments and evaluate key decisions in business, developing critical and reflective mindsets. Alongside this, students will experience how business works in the real world, through use of case studies, guest speakers and visits to local businesses and workplaces.
Health and Social Care and Childcare
The GCSE in Health and Social Care, and Childcare is suitable for learners aged 14-16 who are interested in learning about the development and care of individuals throughout the life cycle from conception to later adulthood. The qualification enables learners to develop and demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understanding within the context of health and social care, and childcare.
The following issues are included in the specification:
• human growth, development and well-being
• promoting and maintaining health and well-being
• health and social care, and childcare in the 21st century
• promoting and supporting health and well-being to achieve positive outcomes.
Public Services
The BTEC Public Services qualification is suitable for students aged 14-16 years and will prepare them for employment in the public services sector, including the emergency services, e.g. fire service, paramedics, search and rescue, the police and the armed forces, e.g. the army, navy and air force. BTEC Public Services is also valuable for students interested in politics and law, health care and education. The public services are at the forefront of our daily lives. This course will help students to understand the role of the government in the public services, the impact of government policies and the way that laws are made. Students will develop leadership and team building skills through practical activities and apply skills to plan and manage an outdoor expedition.
Qualifications Offered and Examination Boards: